UYE, Meetup or just Event

For those of you familiar with my #ChinatownCrawl UYE (Unofficial Yelp Event), there is a scenery change. You won't see my UYE on Yelp Event page at the beginning of my announcement. In a perfect world, my Yelper friends receive notification on the app when I create an event and interested in an event. But lately, I don't see any response after the UYE page sitting there for 2 weeks. I guess there are too many notifications on their app.

You may not know this. It's very time consuming to use Yelp Event page to invite my Yelper Friends. On average, it takes about 2 to 3 hours to "share" my event to everyone lives in Houston from Event page. This share actually sends an email to their personal email address. But some people are invisible most of time or they don't check emails as often or get notified with incoming emails. Then, I have to use another method to get their attention - private message, compliments or check-in message. Other than that, they are just not reachable.

When the event gets closer, I begin my response struggle all over again... private messages, compliments or check-in messages. Besides no shows, there are those uninvited guests of no response and suddenly showed up. All these challenges are event organizers' nightmare.

So, here is my solution. My Yelper friends are the last to hear about my Chinatown Crawl event. I've decided to delay posting until my other events pages have reached a desired attendance counts. Here is my order: Facebook, Google and Yelp.

You don't have to be my Facebook friend to be the first to know. Follow my non-personal page MiniSites by PortAloha to get notified.

Then, I post it on Google+ Communities page Chinatown Crawl Houston. Because some people don't have Facebook or Yelp, they should at least have Google. You don't have to follow me and be in my circle, just follow my page.

If you are a Local Guide, I stopped posting meetup events on The site is more difficult to use than Yelp. Here is my blog about my dislikes.

I will post suggested images, but not event URL. Instagram is used for post event sharing only.

While there are still too early to post my next Chinatown Crawl Meetup on Yelp, you can find it on Google Events and Facebook.

Note: There are a few event VIP. I message them privately from the start.


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