Find My Waze

I downloaded Waze app as recommended by many people. I liked it on the first day. But I gradually hated it. I will only use it when I have to.

You can post a warning, check in, get gas info, be warned, and etc.
One day I was driving on Beltway. There was a car won't leave me alone. He drove on the right at the same speed as I was. Then, I looked at my Waze app. Ooooh. That's another Wazer stalking me. I quickly turned it off and sped away.
Adding a biz page takes forever. The app won't let me save photo I took locally.
There are very few local biz on Waze. They depended on Wazers to help them add biz. This is worse then Foursquare. I tried to add biz like I do with Yelp. But it's very time consuming. There is no computer version. When I made a suggestion for biz update, it says "300 feet is good enough" or "it's probably your app."
My biggest complaint is the distractions - ads and too many icons.
Whenever there is something happening, like traffic problem, I see the screen filled up with icon crowds. This is more distracting than the traffic jam itself. Okay, it may be my app or GPS not working. It can't detect if I was on the feeder road or freeway. On top of that, I go slammed with an ad that covered most of screen.

Don't think about reading this review on the app page on Google Play Store. I can't rate it based on 1-5 rating scale. It's either, I like it or I hate it. But right now, it's "no comments."


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