Check-in Meter on Yelp App

This is one of my favorite feature - Yelp Royalty but I call it "Check-in Meter". I had the opportunity to see both Android and iOS to choose my next Smartphone.

As for Android, you can see when you last checked in, but you can't see the dukedom status.
For iOS, you can see the dukedom crowns and regular icons.

Uh... I like both versions. I know it's too much to ask to combine them.
Android (left) vs iOS (right) 
According to an article on TechCrunch in 2010, "iPhone app (4.2.1) includes a feature called Yelp Royalty. It rewards users with the most check-ins at a venue the title of 'Duke' or 'Duchess.' Those with the most titles in their neighborhood become the 'Baron.' Those with the most it the city become the 'King.'"

To my understanding, check-in is a way to quantify how often you patronize a business. Yelp created a way to compete. Among the regulars, the most frequent visitor wins a duke or duchess badge. At the end, businesses win customers and Yelp app users win with social media recognition.


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